A Cloudy Day in the Bay

And so it was 

as it was planned

We made our way

To Dolymount Strand

Niall by Dart

Myself by car

The Shore road in Howth

Where we set the bar

A text on the way

Saying ‘weather a bit crap’

Ah sure what odds

It’s in the Gods’ lap

Into our suits

We got dressed up

Looking across to the island

Scheduling the tide’s cusp

Lock the car

On our bikes

Bank holiday Sunday

Is getting the likes

My bike is a ratchet

An iron grating heap

No effort for Niall though

On the road to the beach

We get to the island

Lock up at a post

Banter the lifeguard

He knows the waters the most

The final prep

Goggles, hats, tow floats

Wade into water

It’s warm, but doesn’t roast

A minute or two

To acclimatise 

Then off we paddle

With Howth in our eyes

I expected Niall

To leave me behind

But he raced yesterday

So the pace was kind

We swam for fifteen

We covered ground

The warm up was gentle

Nature abound

The bull beach is shallow

As we were out past the wash

The biker lifeguard

Kindly kept a watch

I never lost breath

Though took a mouthful or two

Sea swimming is an art

If you know what to do

We stopped every five

It wasn’t a race

That kept me happy

And a smile on my face

Niall felt the strain

Of the previous day’s effort

But stoic as ever

Kept on in sea desert

We had got to a point

Where the headland was there

Over a distance

With it’s grassy hair

We decamped to the beach

Rations of chocolate

Without any sun

You could feel desolate

When Niall was warmed up

We prepped up again

A kilometre across the bay

And we will find our Zen

I was feeling lively

Put power in my stroke

Not sure about the currents

Or if we’ll be broke

Then I turned to see

Niall standing up

A Dublin Bay sandbank

Had found us by luck

Then less than ten

It was back to the shore

The Sun even glimpsed

Through a cloudy sky door

Coming onshore

Then taxi to land

We stood on the rocks

I shook Niall’s hand

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